I retired from teaching Physics at Solihull School in2004. This leaves me time to follow my other interests


Scouting. If you don't know much about this organisation, why not find out more at The Scout Association or you could try a non official site Scoutnet. A single click will put you in contact with Scout Leaders around the world.


Drugs Awareness Education both within school and in Scouting. To help with this work I have prepared some drug profile facts. Feel free to take copies if you know someone who could be helped by them.


Researching the family history of the Rowson's in Lincolnshire, UK where we have traced back to about 1540 though there are still a number of gaps. family history outline gives a skeleton of the tables and a bit of the history of the searches made, whilst .Our family tree so far lists the tables in detail. index of surnames lists all the surnames on our family tree and which table they appear in. A list of other people researching the family name of Rowson is given in other researchers . In addition some extractions from censuses concentrating on the name ROWSON are listed in census extractions.
Any further information would be gratefully received. 


Margaret also retired in 2004 from being an area manager for Rethink in the Midlands. Her main interests were antiques and researching her family tree particularly the Quantock's and Gillaspy's before Alzheimer’s Disease claimed her.


You can email me by constructing my address.  My user name is “dmrowson1” and my domain is “dmrowson.co.uk”.


I have removed the direct email link to reduce the spam being sent.



                                                                              Updated February 2022



Just a thought:- Physics is fun - without it the Web would not run.

The Rowson Family Page

Site designed & © by Rowson Web Designs                                                                                                Updated  Feb 2022